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The sneaky under-the-radar habits that rob you of your weight-loss progress...

Mar 11, 2023

The sneaky under-the-radar habits that rob you of your weight-loss progress... 


When we wake up after a day or a weekend of overindulging and the scale hasn’t budged it tricks us into believing this... 


There are some poor habits with nutrition that are easy to ignore and can sabotage your weight loss goals without you even realising it…


We’ve all slipped into this before without knowing it...


Dipping a few too many times into the potato chip bag or M&M packet..


Having a few extra glasses of wine whilst watching Netflix on a Friday night…


Or rummaging through the fridge or pantry at 10:30pm…


Because these are small habits, that are likely unconscious we seem to forget about them when our weight loss stalls.


Most people assume what sabotages their nutrition is going to be something big and easy to see.

But in reality the biggest things that wreck our progress with nutrition are small habits that add up over time without us even seeing them.


It’s just like the compound effect of A plane shifting a few degrees in its route… 

If a plane was leaving from Melbourne headed to Sydney and the pilot shifts the head of the plane by 3-4 degrees they end up in Darwin. instead of Sydney..

Just like the plane, when our nutrition is a little off course for months or even a year we look up and we’re km's away from where we want to be in our weight-loss goals…

And the main culprit is these little habits that are easy to ignore.

To fix this do an audit of your nutrition habits for a full week, and see how many of these sneaky habits are a part of your routine.

Chances are if you’re 100% honest with yourself you’ll be a little shocked, I know most of my clients are when they do this...

And if you’d like some help developing a customised plan to ensure you end up at the right destination for your fat-loss goals … 

Comment below with “habits” and I’ll be in touch to have a quick no-pressure chat to hear more about your goals and how I might be able to help.

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